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  • Chasebaits-374-Drunken_Mullet-Shadow
    In Stock

    Chase Baits – 3.74″ – Drunken Mullet

    The DRUNKEN MULLET combines the best attributes to create multiple actions that fish can’t resist.

    On the slow retrieve the DRUNKEN MULLET looks like an exhausted fish on its last legs or like its just consumed a bottle of rum staggering home from the pub. The unbalanced ‘Pop Tail’ and body segments combine to give it that unique dying/drunk action that will remind you of last Saturday night.

    As you retrieve it faster the body will turn on its side and the tail will give off that famous slapping noise that fish absolutely love.

    The DRUNKEN MULLET can be used in many ways with a great water slap and a drunken/dying body wobble that will become another serious weapon in your fishing arsenal.

    Sizes: 3.74″
    Weight: 0.7oz and 1.3oz
    Action: Top Water Segmented with Offset Pop Tail

  • Ultimate-Squid-Rig
    In Stock

    ChaseBaits – Ultimate Squid Rig

    Created to perfectly suit the MONSTER 11.8″ ULTIMATE SQUID.
    The new SQUID RIG is available in 3 weights; 3oz, 6oz, and 9oz. All include the moulded weight jig head, strong and sharp 9/0 twin assist hooks and the custom Chasebaits blade.
    Designed to sink on the perfect angle, for perfect hood wing movement and balanced action.
    The twin assist hooks are attached to the rig with a quick release clip rated to 100lb, and the included flash blade can be replaced with a treble, stinger hook, or any other required accessory.
    Don’t just limit this rig to the Ultimate Squid! Flesh bait and many of your other favourite soft baits may be perfectly suited.
