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  • EC00018
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    Native by Carlton – Open Reed Elk Cow Call-Combo Pack

    Mini Mouth

    The old fighting cow call body with a stiffer reed set deeper into the call that makes super nasally cow sounds.  The heavier reed gives good volume and is user-friendly and hangs up less than the lighter reeds.  I’d have to say if I bought just one call on this site this would be it.

    Loud Mouth

    The loudmouth us just that, loud.  We use this as a locator call.  For those days you need to cut through the wind or reach a long way on silent mornings. You can cram a ton of air through this and get the big volume that reaches out there.  It’s not a finesse call but we use it a lot in trying to stimulate a response, it’s a mainstay on our call lanyard.