Duke Traps – 1100 – Cage Trap – # 1-1


You must be a licensed trapper to use this trap in Canada

Duke Standard and Heavy Duty Cage Traps offer the ultimate variety in Humane Live Catch Cage Traps today. The Standard Cage Traps feature steel rod reinforced Spring Loaded Doors, pressure sensitive trip mechanisms and a durable, concealable green powder coated finish. For the animal control professional and trapper, Duke also offers top of the line Heavy Duty Cage Traps featuring all steel rod gravity drop doors, bait protected cage mesh, and a complete internal steel rod frame. All cage trap models are constructed to provide for exceptional durability with no harm to the animal.

# 1-1 Cage Trap
Model: 1100
L”x W”x H”: 16 x 5 x 5
Target: Rodent, Small Squirrel, Chipmunk

3 in stock

SKU: 1100 Categories: , , , Brand: Duke Traps

The Law

To trap in Ontario, you must:

  • have completed the required Fur Harvest, Fur Management and Conservation course
  • have a trapping licence
  • trap only during open seasons
  • keep to annual harvest quotas
  • trap only on land identified in the licence
  • have written permission from the landowner when trapping on private lands
  • follow other conditions set out in your licence and the regulations (e.g. trap sizes for fox)
  • only use humane, certified traps

If you have a licence to trap in one district, you can not use the same licence to trap in another district. You will need to get a second licence to trap in the second district.

All legal requirements for trapping in Ontario are set out in the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 and regulations under the act.

Additional information

Weight 1150 g
Dimensions 17 × 5.5 × 5.5 in