Good To Know:
A skunk can only spray when their tail is raised.  This pipe is small enough that a skunk cannot raise their tail to spray you!
Opossums can smell like skunks!
Make sure to place the bait as far back in the trap as possible.  You want them to be inside the trap when they step on the pan to eat the bait.  A lure can be used to lead them into the trap.
Lifetime Warranty:  On all manufacturing errors and normal wear and tear that would cause the Tuff Trap to not perform properly. Warranty becomes void if the Tuff Trap has been altered from its’ original condition in any way. Warranty is for repair or replacement, a refund is not available.
When setting our trap: slide the door up and set it ON the pipe. The trigger rod (which is on top side of the trap) will then be BEHIND the door. When the pan inside the trap is stepped on; the trigger rod will then push the door forward off the edge of the trap, and slide closed.